In Search Of A Location

Many of our supporters have been asking what the greatest needs are to help get the doors of Recovery Cafe Lexington open. Currently our greatest need is identifying and acquiring a location for the Cafe. Ideally we would like to find a location near downtown Lexington and accessible by bus and bike routes, with enough square footage and facilities to host small groups of members and allow us to provide meals and basic services.

Ultimately we would like to have our own dedicated space, but  due to budget restraints, we may have to find a shared space that would allow us to utilize their facility a few days per week. This would allow us to begin serving the community, and growing our membership while we work towards funding a dedicated, permanent location.

Please contact us if you are aware of any locations that might fit our needs, or know of anyone who might be willing to donate space to our cause. We would love to chat with you if you have any leads or ideas.

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